Assets, Assets Everywhere

What’s the point of an information security program? The simple answer is to protect all the data from being stolen, misused or compromised. Most business units, when talking about info security, simply state “protect everything all the time”. The question is – how do you know what “everything” is? Hardware is pretty simple. There’s a …

IT Takes a Village

Stop me if you’ve heard this before – INFORMATION SECURITY IS NOT SOLELY THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE IT DEPARTMENT. Thanks, I had to get that off my chest. But it’s true. Information security affects everyone no matter what their station or position in an organization. And when it comes to a mature Information Security program, …

Vulnerability Management

Let’s talk a little about the importance of vulnerability management. As I’ve mentioned in other posts, data has value. For some organizations, their data and intellectual property is the only item of value (that and their people). So it makes sense to do everything conceivable to keep that data as safe as possible. Bad guys …

What is cybersecurity?

Let’s start at what I consider the beginning – what has value? That answer has changed dramatically over the decades; for a time it was gold, then it was manufactured goods, it’s always been art, the value of labor, the common ingenuity of a good idea. Value is, of course, subjective, but also societal: we …